Two vehicles with equal magnitudes of momentum traveling at right angles to each other undergo an inelastic collision. The magnitude of momentum for the combined wreck is A cannonball following a parabolic path explodes into fragments. The momentum of the fragments When a vertically falling firecracker bursts, the vector sum of momentum fragments



Answered question


Two vehicles with equal magnitudes of momentum traveling at right angles to each other undergo an inelastic collision. The magnitude of momentum for the combined wreck is...
A cannonball following a parabolic path explodes into fragments. The momentum of the fragments...
When a vertically falling firecracker bursts, the vector sum of momentum fragments...

Answer & Explanation

Abigayle Dominguez

Abigayle Dominguez

Beginner2022-12-02Added 12 answers

1. ...greater than the magnitude of momentum of either car before collision.
2. ...continue along the path as if the explosion didn't occur.
3. ...both of these

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