What does R mean in math?

Zachery Mckee

Zachery Mckee

Answered question


What does R mean in math?

Answer & Explanation

Lucas Contreras

Lucas Contreras

Beginner2022-12-01Added 11 answers

Real numbers:
As we know in mathematics, the alphabet Rdenotes the set of real numbers.
The real numbers are classified as:
Rational numbers: These numbers can be written as a ratio of two integers numbers, provided, a non-zero denominator.Q=12,45...Integer: These are negative, zero, or positive whole numbers that do not include fractions. I=....-3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4...Whole numbers: These are positive whole numbers including zero. W=0,1,2,3,4...Natural numbers: These are positive whole numbers. N=1,2,3,4... Irrational numbers: These numbers cannot be written as a ratio of two integers numbers.For example 2,e,π....Hence, the meaning of R is explained.

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