I have some questions In which is momentum conserved: an elastic collision or an inelastic collision? car A is observed to be at rest. How does the speed of car B compare with the initial speed of car A? If the equally massive cars of the preceding question stick together after colliding inelastically, how does their speed after the collision compare with the initial speed of car A?



Answered question


I have some questions
In which is momentum conserved: an elastic collision or an inelastic collision?
Railroad car A rolls at a certain speed and makes a perfectly elastic collision with car B of the same mass. After the collision, car A is observed to be at rest. How does the speed of car B compare with the initial speed of car A?
If the equally massive cars of the preceding question stick together after colliding inelastically, how does their speed after the collision compare with the initial speed of car A?

Answer & Explanation

Alayna Phillips

Alayna Phillips

Beginner2022-12-05Added 8 answers

a. Momentum is conserved in elastic and inelastic collisions.
b. The speed of car B is equal to the initial speed of A.
c. Their speed is half the initial speed of car A.

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