What is Momentum, Impulse, Law of Conservation of Momentum and Power



Answered question


What is Momentum, Impulse, Law of Conservation of Momentum and Power

Answer & Explanation

Clarence Terrell

Clarence Terrell

Beginner2022-12-04Added 13 answers

Momentum -the force or speed with which something moves
p = m × v M o m e n t u m = m a s s × v e l i o c i t y k g     m / s = k g × m / s
Impulse -the change of momentum of an object when the object is acted upon by a force for an interval of time
Law of Conservation of Momentum - the rule that in the absence of outside forces the total momentum of objects that interact does not change.
Power - the rate at which work is done or energy is transformed
P = W / t P = P o w e r ( W ) ,   W = W o r k ( J ) , t = t i m e ( s e c )

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