Which two observations help constrain the dimensions of earth's core and mantle?

Garrett Mclaughlin

Garrett Mclaughlin

Answered question


Which two observations help constrain the dimensions of earth's core and mantle?

Answer & Explanation

Madden Krause

Madden Krause

Beginner2022-12-03Added 12 answers

Earth's density and the wobble of Earth's rotation axis are the two observations that help constrain the dimensions of earth's core and mantle.
Rotational motion around a fixed axis is a special case of rotational motion. The fixed axis hypothesis excludes the possibility of the axis changing direction and cannot describe phenomena such as oscillation or precession. According to Euler's rotation theorem, simultaneous rotation along several fixed axes at the same time is not possible; if two rotations are forced at the same time, a new axis of rotation will appear.
This paper assumes that rotation is also stable, so no torque is required to maintain it. The kinematics and dynamics of the rotation of a rigid body about a fixed axis are mathematically much simpler than that of the free rotation of a rigid body; they are quite similar to linear motion in a single fixed direction, which is not true of the free motion of a rigid body. The expression for the body's kinetic energy and the force acting on its parts for rotation about a fixed axis is also simpler than for composite rotation.

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