Does the temperature of liquid change during evaporation?



Answered question


Does the temperature of liquid change during evaporation?

Answer & Explanation

Aryan Baxter

Aryan Baxter

Beginner2022-12-10Added 3 answers

The shift in matter's phase requires energy. The substance takes more heat to melt during the phase change. Latent heat of fusion is the term for this. Similar to this, a chemical requires additional heat energy to evaporate. Latent heat of vaporization is what's happening here. The change in matter's phase requires all of the heat energy that is provided, therefore the temperature doesn't change. Since the heat that the water absorbs from its environment is used to shift the state of the water from liquid to gas by increasing kinetic energy among the molecules, which increases the intermolecular space, the temperature of the liquid does not change during evaporation. And answer that there is no rise in the temperature of the water.

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