The initial speed of bullet fires from a rifle is 630m /s . The rifle is fired at the centre of a target 700m away at the same level as the target. How far above the centre of the target the rifle must be aimed in order to hit the target



Answered question


The initial speed of bullet fires from a rifle is 630m /s . The rifle is fired at the centre of a target 700m away at the same level as the target. How far above the centre of the target the rifle must be aimed in order to hit the target

Answer & Explanation

Kyan Chapman

Kyan Chapman

Beginner2022-12-16Added 3 answers

Step 1: Given that:

initial bullet velocity = 630 m s 1
The horizontal distance of the target from the position of the rifle = 700m
Step 2: Calculating the height at which to point the rifle to hit the target:
The bullet's initial velocity will have two components;
The horizontal component(uh) = 630 m s 1
The vertical component(uv) = 0
( as the rifle is placed horizontally to the same level as the target.)
Now, let the time taken by the bullet to cover the distance of 700m is t then,

t = 700 m 630 m s 1
Now, The rifle must be aimed to a height h to hit the target, then
Using the second equation of motion under gravity for vertical motion;

h = u v t + 1 2 g t 2
If g = 10 m s 2
Putting all the values we get;

h = 0 × 1.11 s e c + 1 2 × 10 m s 2 × ( 1.11 s e c ) 2



The height up to which the rife must be aimed to hit the target will be 6.2m.

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