Which energy is used to produce sound when we clan our hands?

Elisabeth Warren

Elisabeth Warren

Answered question


Which energy is used to produce sound when we clan our hands?

Answer & Explanation

Abby Griffith

Abby Griffith

Beginner2022-12-17Added 4 answers

Kinetic and mechanical energy are converted into sound energy when we clap our hands together. When we clap with two hands, the air between the palms is suddenly compressed and the palms suddenly move very near to one another. When we clap, the air can sometimes be squeezed while other times it can be released. which create friction, and the resultant friction manifests as sound energy and rises to our ear. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, according to the law of conservation of energy. Instead, it transforms into many forms. Here too, the kinetic energy brought on by our hands moving transforms into music.

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