What is the center of symmetry?

Nash Moss

Nash Moss

Answered question


What is the center of symmetry?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-12-15Added 3 answers

Center of symmetry
Covalent molecules and ionic compounds have a certain configuration that gives them symmetry in their crystal lattices. One atom from a specific molecule or an ion that is present in an ionic lattice in a crystal serves as the sole definition of a point. A center of symmetry is any location in space that can be used as a mirror to reflect any group on a molecule back through it in the other direction and produce an analogous group. When an identical atom is situated equally far from the center and diametrically opposite, the molecule has a center of symmetry. Example
Trans-2,4-dimethyl-cyclobuthene-trans-1,3-dicarboxylicacid has center of symmetry.Structure:

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