What does infinite resistance mean in circuit. We have zero resistance does that mean that if I apply an potential difference V, it will come to zero (because of ohm law) V=IR BUT R=0 V=0



Answered question


What does infinite resistance mean in circuit. We have zero resistance does that mean that if I apply an potential difference V, it will come to zero (because of ohm law) V=IR BUT R=0 V=0

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-12-17Added 4 answers

The infinite resistance of a superconductor effectively creates an open circuit. While we can represent this theoretically, it's not possible to create one in practice. The best thing to do is to keep the circuit open.
In the case of a superconductor with no resistance, current will continue to flow even without an applied voltage. If you start a current flowing in a superconductor, it will continue to flow even without an external voltage.

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