characteristics of solid liquid and gas

Aaliyah Thornton

Aaliyah Thornton

Answered question


characteristics of solid liquid and gas

Answer & Explanation

Melody Dean

Melody Dean

Beginner2022-12-14Added 7 answers

♣ SOLID :-
1) Solids have a fixed volume and shape.
2) One cannot compress a solid.
3) Solids are very dense.
4) force of attraction between the particles is very strong.
5) The space between the particles of solids is negligible.

♣ liquid ;-
1) liquid have a fixed volume but no fixed shape.
2) You can compress liquids. To compress them, a lot of pressure is needed.
3) Compared to solids, liquids have lower densities.
4) intermolecular forces of attraction is weaker than solids.
5) they have considerable space between the particles.

♣ GAS :-
1) gases have neither a fixed shape, nor a fixed volume.
2) gases can be compressed easily.
3) gases have the least density amoung the three.
4) intermolecular forces of attraction is weakest.
5) the space between the gas particles is large.

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