Why is 22.4 liters called the molar volume of a gas?



Answered question


Why is 22.4 liters called the molar volume of a gas?

Answer & Explanation

Melody Dean

Melody Dean

Beginner2022-12-16Added 7 answers

Standard temperature and pressure
Anytime the Standard temperature and pressure (STP) are specified as 273.15K and 1atm pressure.At STP an ideal gas law is as follows:V=nRTP
Here, V is the volume, n is the number of moles, R is a gas constant, T is the temperature and P is the pressure.
Molar volume of a gas
The molar volume of a gas is the volume of one mole of a gas at STP.Substitute the values n=1mol, R=0.082057Latmmol-1K-1, T=273.15K and P=1atm in the above equation as follows:
V=nRTP=1mol×0.082057Latmmol-1K-1×273.15K1atm=22.4LAt STP, one mole of any gas occupies a volume of 22.4L.

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