If a black body is radiating at 17 <mrow class="MJX-TeXAtom-ORD"> &#x2218;<!--



Answered question


If a black body is radiating at 17 C. Calculate the (a) wave length at which maximum energy will be radiated and (b) energy per unit area per second radiated by this black body.

Answer & Explanation

Mathias Patrick

Mathias Patrick

Beginner2022-05-19Added 22 answers

Concept used:
There is a characteristic wavelength associated with black body at a particular temperature.
Wein's law and Stephan's law are used.
Temperature of black-body,
T=290 K
Wavelength at which maximum energy is radiated:
Using Wein's law:
λ T = 2.9 × 10 3 λ = 2.9 × 10 3 290 λ = 10 5   m


Beginner2022-05-20Added 3 answers

b)Energy radiated per unit area per unit second by black body:
E = σ T 4 E = 5.67 × 10 8 × 290 4 E = 401.028   W m 2

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