Solve the given problem. In analyzing the tuning of an electronic

Bobbie Comstock

Bobbie Comstock

Answered question


Solve the given problem.
In analyzing the tuning of an electronic circuit, the expression
is used. Expand and simplify this expression.

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-01-13Added 38 answers

Step 1
To simplify the following expression.
Evaluate ω01 and ω1 using this exponent rule an=1an as follows:
To subtract these fractions, consider the LCM: (ωω0) as common denominator
Multiply the first fraction by ω and the second fraction by ω as follows:
Subtract the numerators and put the result on the LCM as follows:
Apply this exponent rule 0a=0, a0
Answer: 0

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