What is the equation of the line normal



Answered question


What is the equation of the line normal to f(x)=(x1)2x2+2 at x=1?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-04-09Added 8 answers

By definition, the normal line must have a slope that is the opposite reciprocal of the slope of the tangent line at x=1.
Thus, to determine the slope of the normal line, we must first calculate the slope of the tangent line at x=1, which is just the derivative of f at x=1 or f'(1).
Step 1 Calculate dydx
Step 2: Find f'(1)
Step 3: Determine the equation of the normal line
Knowing that f'(1)=0 tells us that there is the graph of f has a horizontal tangent line at x=1. Thus, the normal line must have a slope of , which is undefined.
Because vertical lines are the only type of line with undefined slopes, f must have a vertical tangent line at x=1.
The equation for the vertical tangent line is x=1.

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