Definite integration of logarithmic function int^(pi)_0 log(5−4 sin x)dx



Answered question


Definite integration of logarithmic function
0 π log ( 5 4 sin x ) d x
I tried to proceed with this question using integration by parts but got stuck over
0 π ( 4 x cos x 5 4 sin x ) d x

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-09-30Added 8 answers

I think that you have some mistakes from the start. Using integartion by parts
ln ( 5 4 sin ( x ) ) d x = x log ( 5 4 sin ( x ) ) + 4 x cos ( x ) 5 4 sin ( x ) d x
0 π ln ( 5 4 sin ( x ) ) d x = π log ( 5 ) + 4 0 π x cos ( x ) 5 4 sin ( x ) d x
By the way
0 π ln ( 5 4 sin ( x ) ) d x = 2 0 π 2 ln ( 5 4 sin ( x ) ) d x
which could approximate (make a plot of it) as the area of the two approximate triangles that is to say π 2 ln ( 5 ) = 2.53 while numerical integration would give 2.41

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