Use implicit differentiation to compute (del z)/(del x) and (del z)/(del y) of the function x^3+y^3+z^3−3xyz=0.



Answered question



Use implicit differentiation to compute z x and z y of the function x 3 + y 3 + z 3 3 x y z = 0.
What I Got:
3 x 2 + 0 + 3 z 2 z x 3 y z x
z x ( 3 z 2 3 y ) = 3 x 2
z x = 3 x 2 3 z 2 3 y
0 + 3 y 2 + 3 z 2 z y 3 x z y
z y ( 3 z 2 3 x ) = 3 y 2
z y = 3 y 2 3 z 2 3 y
For what I have got, is this the correct way to do this question?

Answer & Explanation

Guadalupe Reid

Guadalupe Reid

Beginner2022-09-18Added 8 answers

You have made an error in implicit partial differentiation of the 3 x y z term. Note that
( 3 x y z ) x = 3 y ( x z ) x
since y is treated as a constant when differentiating with respect to x. Recall that z is actually a function of both y and x, i.e. z = z ( x , y ), so z can't be given the same treatment as y.

You can evaluate this using the product rule of differentiation, i.e. ( u v ) x = u x v + u v x , to get
3 y ( x z ) x = 3 y [ z + x z x ]
Similarly when you are differentiating with respect to y.

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