Working out if a given relation is reflexive, symmetric or transitive (or all 3?) On the set of int



Answered question


Working out if a given relation is reflexive, symmetric or transitive (or all 3?)
On the set of integers, let š‘„ be related to š‘¦ precisely when x ā‰  y
On the set of integers, let š‘„ be related to š‘¦ precisely when x ā‰  y
1. Is this Reflexive?
2. Is this Symmetric?
3. Is this Transitive?
I'm also wondering if it can be multiple? I assume it can maybe be two but maybe not all 3.
To my understanding:
Reflexive is when each element is related to itself, I am not sure how to apply that to x ā‰  y? (Edit: If x = 3 and y = 3, then x ā‰  y, so it can't be reflexive as it would be an incorrect statement, so for not equals to it can never be reflexive from what I studied going back over notes)
Symmetric is when x is related to y, it implies that y is related to x (which may be fitting here as x is related to y when they don't equal each other?)
Transitive: When x is related to y, and y is related to z, then x is related to z (Not applicable here? Unsure)
I'm not sure if it's reflex as x āˆˆ Z and y āˆˆ Z (both are related to the set of integers), it could be symmetric as they are related when x ā‰  y is the same as being related when y ā‰  x, then I'm not sure of transitive.

Answer & Explanation

Harold Cantrell

Harold Cantrell

Beginner2022-06-26Added 21 answers

Step 1
You are correct, the relation is not relfexive.
Now, it is time to formally prove that.
To prove that it is not, you must prove that the statement " ā‰  is a reflexive relation" is false.
First we use the definition of reflexivity to rewrite the above statement into: āˆ€ x āˆˆ Z : x ā‰  x
Now, we must prove the above statement is false. Since the statement is of the type " āˆ€ x āˆˆ X : P ( x )", it is enough to find one value of x such that P(x) is not true (this value is then called the *counterexample). In your case, taking x = 3 is perfectly OK, because 3 ā‰  3 is false.
Step 2
Alternatively, you could just prove the negation of the statement. The negation is āˆƒ x āˆˆ Z : x = x this statement can be proven, because x = 3 satisfies the relation x = x.
Step 2
For symmetry, you are correct that the relation is symmetric.
You can do this by proving the statement: āˆ€ x , y āˆˆ Z : x ā‰  y āŸ¹ y ā‰  y
Formally, can prove any statement of the type āˆ€ x , y āˆˆ A : P ( x , y ) āŸ¹ Q ( x , y ) by:
Taking any two values x , y āˆˆ A
Assuming P(x, y) is true
From that, proving Q(x, y) must also be true.

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