Relations between ordered pairs. A relation R is defined on Q^2 by (a,b)R(c,d) if and only if there exists a real number x >= 1 such that a=dx and c=bx.



Answered question


Relations between ordered pairs.
I am completely confused about this question, everytime I look back onto it I have a different idea on how to interpret it. Any help is appreciated.
A relation R is defined on Q 2 by (a,b)R(c,d) if and only if there exists a real number x 1 such that a = d x and c = b x.
I need to show what type of relation this is, e.g. is it reflexive, transitive, symmetric....? Right now, I am just having a lot of trouble on how to interpret this and how to actually come up with a way of proving this.

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-09-08Added 18 answers

Step 1
( a , b ) Q exactly when a Z b Z { 0 } ... a rational number is a pair of integers with the second member being non-zero. This pair is more often written as a ratio: a b .
Your relation is defined as, R := { ( ( a , b ) , ( c , d ) ) Q 2 : x R 1   ( a = x d c = x b ) }
That is that two rational numbers are R-related when there is some real number (call it x) at least as great as one where a = x d and c = x b.
Step 2
R will be reflexive exactly when ( a , b ) Q   ( ( a , b ) R ( a , b ) ). So is it true that x R 1   ( a = x b a = x b ) ) for every rational (a,b) ? (Yes / No)
Likewise use the definitions for symmetry and transitivity to investigate whether they hold for the relation.

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