Difference between Logical and Tautological equivalences. Examples of the questions I was given on this matter: 1)(pVq)->r is the tautological equivalence of (p->r)∧(q->r) 2)~p->(qVr) is the tautological equivalence of ~q->(pVr) I have to demonstrate which one, if any of those two are true statements.



Answered question


I've googled already for an explanation and examples that show the difference between logical and tautological equivalences. I understand that a tautological equivalence is first a logical one, but not necessary vice versa. Besides that as far as I've seen they are the same. Are the truth tables the same? What could be a good example that shows the differences between both?
Examples of the questions I was given on this matter: 1) ( p V q ) > r is the tautological equivalence of ( p > r ) ( q > r ) 2 )   p > ( q V r ) is the tautological equivalence of   q > ( p V r ) I have to demonstrate which one, if any of those two are true statements.
On this basis I have to understand the difference between tautological and logical equivalences, why one and not the other, both or none.

Answer & Explanation

Kristopher Beard

Kristopher Beard

Beginner2022-09-08Added 18 answers

Step 1
My understanding is that a tautological equivalence is an equivalence due to truth-functional considerations alone. So, for example, a truth-functional analysis tells us that A B is equivalent to B A. But note that that same truth-functional analysis also tells us that x P ( x ) x Q ( x ) is equivalent to x Q ( x ) x P ( x ), so even though these expressions are first-order logic expression, it already is an equivalence on the basis of truth-functional considerations alone.
Step 2
On the other hand, x P ( x ) x Q ( x ) is logically equivalent to x ( P ( x ) Q ( x ) ), but this equivalence cannot be established on the basis of a purely truth-functional analysis: you also need to understand the meaning of the quantifiers and how they work in order to see that these are equivalent. So, this would be an example of a logical equivalence, but that is not a tautological equivalence.

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