Two identical conducting spheres A and B are separated by a distance greater than their diameters the spheres carry equal charges and electrostatic force between them is F a third identical uncharged sphere C is first brought in contact with A, then with B and finally removed as a result, the electrostatic force between A and B becomes

Emmett Bradley

Emmett Bradley

Answered question


Two identical conducting spheres A and B are separated by a distance greater than their diameters the spheres carry equal charges and electrostatic force between them is F a third identical uncharged sphere C is first brought in contact with A, then with B and finally removed as a result, the electrostatic force between A and B becomes

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2023-02-22Added 7 answers

C was the first to make contact with A. Touching removed half of the charge, and then touching B removed a quarter of the total charge.
A will be reduced to 3/4th and B become half.
The total charge it took is 3F/8

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