Under which conditions do injections f and g imply the existence of an injection h:B rarr C?

Kaydence Villegas

Kaydence Villegas

Open question


Under which conditions do injections f and g imply the existence of an injection h : B C?

Answer & Explanation

Paola Mercer

Paola Mercer

Beginner2022-08-30Added 11 answers

A , B , C are sets.
There exists an injection f : A B.
There exists an injection f : A B.
There exists an injection g : A C
then all that says is that | A | | B | and | A | | C | .
For any sets B , C, either | B | | C | or | C | | B | (or both), but with the given information, you can't decide which one, hence you don't know whether ot not there is an injection h : B C
However, if it's given that f is not only injective but also surjective (and hence bijective), then | A | = | B | . Then since | A | | C | , we get | B | | C | , hence there is an injection h : B C.
Along the same lines, if it's given that f and g are both bijective, then | A | = | B | and | A | = | C | , hence | B | = | C | , so there is a bijection from B to C, which implies the existence of injections h , k which you asked for.

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