Function g is a transformation of the parent sine function, f(x)=sin(x), g(x)=1/3 sin(2x-5)+1. The phase shift of function g is ?

Amiya Hart

Amiya Hart

Answered question


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Function g is a transformation of the parent sine function, f ( x ) = sin ( x )
g ( x ) = 1 3 sin ( 2 x 5 ) + 1
The phase shift of function g is ?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-12-18Added 2 answers

For the transformed sine function:
g ( x ) = A sin ( B ( x C ) ) + D
C=Phase shift; If C>0 Right shift
C < 0 Left shift
D=Vertical shift; If D >0 Upward shift
D<0 Downward shift
Hex, g ( x ) = 1 3 sin ( 2 x 5 ) + 1 = 1 3 sin ( 2 ( x 5 2 ) ) + 1
Comparing with g ( x ) = A sin ( B ( x C ) ) + D A = 1 3 B = 2 C = 5 2 D = 1
 Phase shift  = 5 2

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