Find the factors of 288.



Answered question


Find the factors of 288.

Answer & Explanation

Tianna Beck

Tianna Beck

Beginner2022-12-19Added 4 answers

Compute the factors:
A number that divides the given number exactly with no remainder is referred to as a factor of the given number in mathematics.
We get factors of 288 by multiplying numbers in pairs.
288 is a composite number made up of 18 different factors.
Now, factors can be written as 1×288,2×144,3×96,4×72,6×48,8×36,9×32,12×24,16×18.
Hence, the factors of 288 are 1,2,3,4,6,8,9,12,16,18,24,32,36,48,72,96,144,288.

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