What is 0.64 as a fraction?

Isaias Black

Isaias Black

Answered question


What is 0.64 as a fraction?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-12-22Added 10 answers

Depending on how many decimal places they have, terminating decimals can be expressed in the form \(\displaystyle\frac{{n}}{{10}}\), \(\displaystyle\frac{{n}}{{100}}\), \(\displaystyle\frac{{n}}{{1000}}\), or something similar.
Then, in order to make things simpler, find any common factors that are powers of 2 or 5.
King Waters

King Waters

Beginner2022-12-23Added 3 answers

We have:
\(\displaystyle{0.64}=\frac{{6}}{{10}}+\frac{{4}}{{100}}\leftarrow{\color{blue}\text{require common denominator}}\)
\(\displaystyle\text{Divide the numerator/denominator by the to simplify}\)
\(\displaystyle{\color{blue}\text{common factor 4}}\)

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