What does (x,y) mean?



Answered question


What does (x,y) mean?

Answer & Explanation

Layne Vaughn

Layne Vaughn

Beginner2022-12-26Added 8 answers

(x,y) is a pair of real numbers. Hence, it means:
(x,y) is an ordered pair of numbers belonging to R×R=R2. The first pair memeber belongs to the first set R and the second belongs to second R. Though the set in this instance is the same R. Could be in other cases R×Z or Q×R
(x,y) has the meaning of an aplication from R to R in which to every element x, the aplication asingns the y element.
(x,y) has the meaning of plane's point coordinates. The first x is the horizontal coodinate (abscisa) and second is the vertical coordinate (ordenate). Both are coordinates.
(x,y) has the meaning of a complex number: x is the real part and y is the imaginary part: x+yi
(x,y) has the meaning of a plane's vector from origin of coordinates
You will see that meaning of (x,y) could be whatever of above depending of context, but if you think a little bit, all meanings are quite similar

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