What's 1,112,433 rounded to the nearest ten thousand?

Thaddeus Herman

Thaddeus Herman

Answered question


What's 1,112,433 rounded to the nearest ten thousand?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-12-31Added 8 answers

This amount is in comparison to 10,000 (1000010,000)
1,112,433  We have value
1,110,000  Compare to 10,000
Now look at the cut off point
1,112,433  The given value
1,110,000  Compare to 10,000
Cut off point
Consider the 2 to the right of the cut off point. As 1,112 is closer to 1,110 than it is to 1,120 we opt for the 1,110 giving:
1,110,000 as the nearest 10,000

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