How to write out 11 tens, 7 tens, and 1 hundreds?

Linda Norman

Linda Norman

Answered question


How to write out 11 tens, 7 tens, and 1 hundreds?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-12-31Added 10 answers

Since only single digit numbers between 0 and 9 are counted in the ones place, this implies that
1 hundreds = 100
7 tens = 70
11 ones = 1 ten + 1 one
This becomes: 181
Kason Wong

Kason Wong

Beginner2023-01-01Added 3 answers

We have:
11 ones,7 tens,1 hundreds
11 ones is 1 tens and 1 ones
Thus, in practice, we write 1 ones, 8 tens, and 1 hundreds.
1 hundred=100
8 tens=80
1 ones=1

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