The ordered pairs (1,36), (2, 49), (3,64). (4, 81). and (5, 100) represent a function. What is a rule that represents this function?

Raina Cole

Raina Cole

Answered question


The ordered pairs (1,36), (2, 49), (3,64). (4, 81). and (5, 100) represent a function. What is a rule that represents this function?

Answer & Explanation

Jason Ramirez

Jason Ramirez

Beginner2023-01-07Added 3 answers

In the ordered pairs (1,36),(2,49),(3,64).(4,81). and (5,100), it is observed that
(i) first number starting from #1ZSK is in arithmetic series in which every number increases by 1, i.e. d=1
(ii) second number are squares and starting from 62, it goes on to 72, 82, 92 and 102. Observe that {6,7,8,9,10} to increase by 1.
(iii) Hence while first part of first ordered pair starts from 1, its second part is (1+5)2
Consequently, the rule for this function is that
nth ordered pair represents (n,(n+5)2)

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