How to factor 3x^2=16x+12?

Gracie Steele

Gracie Steele

Answered question


How to factor 3x2=16x+12?

Answer & Explanation

Dean Buck

Dean Buck

Beginner2023-01-09Added 7 answers

Subtract (16x+12) from each side.
Remove the brackets and make it simpler. A negative is the result of a positive and a negative:
3x+2=0 or x6=0
x=23 or x=6


Beginner2023-01-10Added 3 answers

First, get all the terms to one side: 3x216x12=0.
Since there isn't a greatest common factor, factoring must be done by assuming and verifying.
Start off by setting up two quantities (3x± ?) and (x± ?), since you know that once you FOIL these two binomials, they must start with 3x2.
Afterward, consider which two numbers you can multiply to equal 12. Either 1 and 12; 3 and 4; or 2 and 6 are the options. Substitute these pairs of numbers into the ? and FOIL to see which pair of numbers work. However, you would also need to check whether you need to add or subtract one of the numbers in the pairs, since the signs are unknown.
Once you have tried all three pairs, you should know that 2 and 6 works, and that you are adding 2 to 3x and subtracting 6 from x. Therefore, your factors are: (3x+2)(x6).
There are probably better ways to factor, but this is how I factor my equations.

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