An orange costs $.09. How much would 2 dozen oranges cost?



Answered question


An orange costs $.09. How much would 2 dozen oranges cost?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2023-01-10Added 11 answers

To begin with, since there are 12 of something in a dozen, two dozen oranges would be equivalent to 24 oranges (just simply multiply 12 by 2 in this case).
In addition, if each orange costs $0.09, you could multiply $0.09 by 24 to find the total cost, which would give you a result of $2.16.
Rylee Friedman

Rylee Friedman

Beginner2023-01-11Added 1 answers

You might find it helpful to do things like this in your head if you consider another way to look at it. if that was your preference.
There is no reason why you should not write down a few numbers but still do a lot of the working out in your head.
It takes much less time to do it than to explain it
The calculation we need to do is 24×$0.09
Let's explore another way of doing it ...
1 dozen is 12, so 2 dozen is 2×12
But 12=10+2
Multiplying a number by 10 or 2 is much easier than multiplying by 12.
12×$0.09=$0.18     add
So 12×$0.09=$1.08
So 24×$0.09=2×$1.08=$2.16

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