How to express the phrase "5 a number t divided by 82" as an algebraic expression?

Peter Gonzales

Peter Gonzales

Answered question


How to express the phrase "5 a number t divided by 82" as an algebraic expression?

Answer & Explanation

Shania Whitaker

Shania Whitaker

Beginner2023-02-09Added 7 answers

You must keep in mind the following when completing such tasks: You must write the mathematical symbols in the order in which they occur.
Multiplication is indicated by "n a number."
"a number #x# greater than" means adding x
If you see something like "a number 3 times greater than a sum of x and 6", you write it as 3 ( x + 6 ) . In such cases the second expression (here the sum) must be written in brackets.

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