There are 10 birds in a tree. For every minute, 2 birds fly away from the tree. The relation between the number of birds and the time is given. How many birds will be there after 3 minutes? A. 4 B. 6 C. 8 D. 2



Answered question


There are 10 birds in a tree. For every minute, 2 birds fly away from the tree. The relation between the number of birds and the time is given. How many birds will be there after 3 minutes?
A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 2

Answer & Explanation

Shaylee Riggs

Shaylee Riggs

Beginner2023-02-09Added 5 answers

The x-axis shows the passage of time.
Number of birds is representd on the y-axis.
From the graph, we observe that,
when time = 1 minute, number of birds = 8
When time = 2 minutes, number of birds = 6
Therefore, the relation between the number of birds and time is
n = 10 - 2t
Therefore, number of birds after 3 minutes = 10 - 2(3) = 4

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