What 10 does percent per annum mean?



Answered question


What does10 percent per annum mean?

Answer & Explanation

Mia Small

Mia Small

Beginner2023-02-07Added 11 answers

Rate of Interest:
The amount that will be paid or received yearly until the end of the maturity period is the rate of interest per annum.The amount to be paid or received depends on whether the interest is simple or compound.If it is simple interest, SI=PRT100, where Pis the principal amount, Ris the rate of interest, and Tis the time period.If the rate of interest is 10%p.a, SI=P×10×1100i.e., 0.1PThe simple interest to be paid or received annually is 10%of the principal amount in addition to the principal amount.If the interest is compounded, the total amount to be paid or received is A=P(1+R100)TIf the rate of interest is 10%p.a, A=P1+101001i.e., 1.1P.Hence the rate of interest on a deposit or loan per year is written as 10 percent per annum.

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