How to write the phrase as an algebraic expression “Five more than the quotient of z divided by seven equals 12”?



Answered question


How to write the phrase as an algebraic expression “Five more than the quotient of z divided by seven equals 12”?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2023-02-13Added 6 answers

Given explanation: Equals tells you that this is the outcome, therefore it is equivalent to an equal sign. More than is equivalent to a plus sign (showing addition), quotient is equivalent to division, and equals is equivalent to an equal sign.
Thus the expression will be 5 + z 7 = 12


Beginner2023-02-14Added 1 answers

Let's split this sentence up:
"Five more than" refers to adding something by #5#.
"The quotient of z divided by seven" refers to #z/7#.
Finally, "equals 12" refers to setting everything above equal to #12#.Combining everything above, we get:
#5 + z/7 = 12#

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