A girl scored 60 out of 75 in English, 60 out of 90 in Mathematics and 80 out of 100 in Science. Find girl's aggregate score as percentage in all the three subjects.



Answered question


A girl scored 60 out of 75 in English, 60 out of 90 in Mathematics and 80 out of 100 in Science. Find girl's aggregate score as percentage in all the three subjects.

Answer & Explanation

Ryker Franklin

Ryker Franklin

Beginner2023-02-13Added 6 answers

The sum of the maximum marks of all the 3 subjects = 75 + 90 + 100 = 265
Total score in the three subjects = 60 + 60 + 80 = 200
Percentage score as a whole = 200/265*100=75 25/53%


Beginner2023-02-14Added 2 answers

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