To name the illustrated property. Given: An equation is given as



Answered question


To name the illustrated property.
Given: An equation is given as x+3=3+x

Answer & Explanation



Skilled2021-08-11Added 89 answers

As we know that from the definition of various properties given as below.
Distributive property: a(b+c)=ab+ac
Associative property: a+(b+c)=(a+b)+c and a(bc)=(ab)c=(ac)b
Commutative property:
a+b=b+a and ab=ba
Given equation is x+3=3+x
Here, we can observe that given equation is using following distributive property of a+b=b+a
Jeffrey Jordon

Jeffrey Jordon

Expert2021-12-20Added 2605 answers

Answer is given below (on video)

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