Find the ratios in lowest terms of 5 ounces to

Tobias Ali

Tobias Ali

Answered question


Find the ratios in lowest terms of 5 ounces to 15 ounces.

Answer & Explanation

Corben Pittman

Corben Pittman

Skilled2021-08-11Added 83 answers

The ratio of two numbers a and b is ab
We have been asked to find the ratios of 5 ounces to 15 ounces.
The required ratio is as follows:
=13 [Divide the numerator and denominator by 5]
This is the required lowest term.
Therefore the ratios of 5 ounces to 15 ounces is 13.

Jeffrey Jordon

Jeffrey Jordon

Expert2021-12-21Added 2605 answers

Answer is given below (on video)

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