To find: The correct answer for the given statement "The quotient



Answered question


To find:
The correct answer for the given statement "The quotient of two quotities is called a(n) ___________".

Answer & Explanation



Skilled2021-08-19Added 105 answers

Writing ratios as fractions:
A ratio is the quotient of two quantities. A ratio, in fact, is no different from a fraction, except that a ratio is sometimes written using colon notation other than fractional notation.
For example, the ratio of 1 to 2 can be written as
1 to 2 or 12 or 1:2
12 is called fractional notation and 1:2 is called colon notation.
When we compare two quantities, we divide the first quantity by the second one to represent a fractional relation between the two quantities.
Thus, the quotient of two quantities is called "ratio".
Thus, the correct choice is "ratio".
Final solution:
The correct choice is "ratio".

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