To find: Unit price for given rates and decide which s



Answered question


To find:
Unit price for given rates and decide which s the better buy.

Answer & Explanation



Skilled2021-08-12Added 83 answers

The first rate of crackers is 20 ounces for $2.39. In this case, the number of units is 20.
So, to find the unit price, we divide the given price by the number of ounces of crackers.
In fractional form, $2.3920ounces.
Let's divide 2.39 by 20:2.39÷20=0.1195
Rounding 0.1195 to 3 decimal places, we get 0.120.
Thus, unit price is $0.1201ounce.
The above unit price can be written as $0.120/ounce which is read as $0.120 per ounce.
The second rate of crackers is 8 ounces for $0.99. In this case, the number of units is 8.
So, to find the unit price, we divide the given price by the number of ounces of crackers.
In fractional form, $0.998 ounces
Let's divide 0.99 by 8:0.99÷8=0.12375
Rounding 0.12375 to 3 decimal places, we get 0.124
Thus, unit price is $0.1241 ounce
The above unit price can be written as $0.124/ounce which is read as $0.124 per ounce.
Since the 20 ounce package has a cheaper price per ounce, it is the better buy.
Final solution:
The unit price of 20 ounces for $2.39=$0.120/ounce
The unit price of 8 ounces for $0.99=$0.124/ounce
The 20 ounce package is a better buy.

Jeffrey Jordon

Jeffrey Jordon

Expert2021-12-21Added 2605 answers

Answer is given below (on video)


A 4.5 ounce bag of crackers for $1.98

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