To add: 0.00236+100.45+48.29



Answered question


To add: 0.00236+100.45+48.29

Answer & Explanation



Skilled2020-11-02Added 83 answers

Definition: Adding decimals, Write the decimals so that the decimal points line up vertically. Add as with whole numbers. Place the decimal point in the sum so that it lines up vertically with the decimal points in the problem. Subtracting decimals, Write the decimals so that the decimal points line up vertically. Subtract as with whole numbers. Place the decimal point in the difference so that it lines up vertically with the decimal points in the problem. Calculation: 0.00236+100.45+48.29 100.45 has 3 whole value. 0.00236 and 48.29 has 1 and 2 whole value. So, add 0s to 0.00236 and 48.29 at the front. The number becomes 000.00236 and 048.29 000.00236 has 5 decimal places. 100.45 and 048.29 has 2 decimal places So, add 0s to 100.45 and 048.29 at the end. The number becomes 100.45000 and 048.2900 Based on the definition, 0.00236+100.45+48.29=148.74236 Answer: 0.00236+100.45+48.29=148.74236

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