I'm reading about Bayesian data analysis by Gelman et al. and I'm having big trouble interpreting th



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I'm reading about Bayesian data analysis by Gelman et al. and I'm having big trouble interpreting the following part in the book (note, the rat tumor rate θ in the following text has: θ B e t a ( α , β )
Choosing a standard parameterization and setting up a ‘noninformative’ hyperprior dis- tribution.
Because we have no immediately available information about the distribution of tumor rates in populations of rats, we seek a relatively diffuse hyperprior distribution for ( α , β ). Before assigning a hyperprior distribution, we reparameterize in terms of logit ( α α + β ) = log ( α β ) and log ( α + β ), which are the logit of the mean and the logarithm of the ‘sample size’ in the beta population distribution for θ . It would seem reasonable to assign independent hyperprior distributions to the prior mean and ‘sample size,’ and we use the logistic and logarithmic transformations to put each on ( , ) scale. Unfortunately, a uniform prior density on these newly transformed parameters yields an improper posterior density, with an infinite integral in the limit ( α + β ) , and so this particular prior density cannot be used here.
In a problem such as this with a reasonably large amount of data, it is possible to set up a ‘noninformative’ hyperprior density that is dominated by the likelihood and yields a proper posterior distribution. One reasonable choice of diffuse hyperprior density is uniform on ( α α + β , ( α + β ) 1 / 2 ), which when multiplied by the appropriate Jacobian yields the following densities on the original scale,
p ( α , β ) ( α + β ) 5 / 2 ,
and on the natural transformed scale:
p ( log ( α β ) , log ( α + β ) ) α β ( α + β ) 5 / 2 .
My problem is especially the bolded parts in the text.
Question (1): What does the author explicitly mean by: "is uniform on ( α α + β , ( α + β ) 1 / 2 )
Question (2): What is the appropriate Jacobian?
Question (3): How does the author arrive into the original and transformed scale priors?
To me the book hides many details under the hood and makes understanding difficult for a beginner on the subject due to seemingly ambiguous text.
P.S. if you need more information, or me to clarify my questions please let me know.

Answer & Explanation

Raven Higgins

Raven Higgins

Beginner2022-06-27Added 17 answers

If anyone runs into the similar section in Gelman's book, I'm going to give my own solution that I came up with below (pages 110-111).
By this, the author only implies that
p ( α α + β ,  ( α + β )  1 / 2 ) = constant  1.
Answer (2):
When the author refers to a "appropriate Jacobian," he is referring to the Jacobian matrix's determinant in the formula for density functions with changed variables:
p ( ϕ ) = p ( θ )  det ( d θ d ϕ ) 
Answer (3):
Simply said, the author uses the change of variables formula twice. The fact that
p ( γ , δ ) = p ( γ ( α , β ) ,  δ ( α , β ) ) = p ( α α + β ,  ( α + β )  1 / 2 ) = constant  1.
If we denote θ = ( γ , δ ) and ϕ = ( α , β )), then:
det ( d θ d ϕ ) = | d γ d α d γ d β d δ d α d δ d β | = | β ( α + β ) 2  α ( α + β ) 2  1 2 ( α + β ) 3 / 2  1 2 ( α + β ) 3 / 2 | =  1 2 ( α + β ) 5 / 2 .
From the formula for variable change, we obtain:
p ( α , β ) = p ( α α + β ,  ( α + β )  1 / 2 )  = constant    1  (  1 2 ( α + β ) 5 / 2 )  ( α + β )  5 / 2 ,
and there it is, i.e. the prior in original scale.
By using the exact same modification of variables for the alternate scale:
p ( α , β ) = p ( log  ( α β ) , log  ( α + β ) )  det ( d θ d ϕ ) ,
where this time γ ( α , β ) = log  ( α β ) and δ ( α , β ) = log  ( α + β ) We obtain: for the Jacobian determinant.
det ( d θ d ϕ ) = | d γ d α d γ d β d δ d α d δ d β | = | 1 / α  1 / β ( α + β )  1 ( α + β )  1 | = 1 α β ,
so we get:
p ( α , β )    ( α + β )  5 / 2 = p ( log  ( α β ) , log  ( α + β ) )  1 α β ,
p ( log  ( α β ) , log  ( α + β ) )  α β ( α + β )  5 / 2 .

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