3. Convert 507 cubic inches to liters and report answer with the correct number of significant figures. [2.54 cm = 1 in, 1 mL = 1 cm:3]



Answered question


3. Convert 507 cubic inches to liters and report answer with the correct number of significant figures. [ 2.54 c m = 1 i n , 1 m L = 1 c m : 3 ]

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-09-22Added 11 answers

507  in 3 × ( 2.54 c m ) 3 ( 1  in ) 3 × 1  ml 1  cm 3 × 10 3  L 1  mL 507 × ( 2.54 ) 3 × 10 3 L = 507 × 16.38706 10 3 L = 8308 24142 × 10 3 L = 8.308 L
upto 3 significant figure=8.031 L

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