What conversion rate is used to convert pounds to tons? (2,000 ton)/( 1 lb) (1 ton )/(2,000 lb) (2,000 lb)/( 1 ton) (1 lb)/( 2,000) ton Convert between the two measurements. 7,000 lb tons tons

Dana Russo

Dana Russo

Answered question


What conversion rate if used to convert pounds to tons?
2 , 000  ton 1  lb
1  ton 2 , 000  lb
2 , 000  lb 1  ton
1  lb 2 , 000  ton
Convert between the two measurement.
7 , 000  lb = ___tons

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-10-06Added 8 answers

We know that 2000 pounds = 1 ton.
Hence to convert pounds into ton , we simply divide by 2000 and get the answer in ton.
x  pounds = x  lb 1  ton 2000  lb
Hence conversim rate used is
1  ton 2000  lb
Second oprim is correct
Given 7000  lb
7000  lb = 7000  lb × 1  ton 2000  lb

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