Improper fraction Do the improper fractions include, "the fraction whose numerator is greater than or equal its denominator" or "the fraction whose numerator is greater only than the denominator"?



Answered question


Improper fraction
Do the improper fractions include, "the fraction whose numerator is greater than or equal its denominator" or "the fraction whose numerator is greater only than the denominator"?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-10-08Added 7 answers

Any fraction that would reduce to an integer and fraction, is an improper fraction. So 8/8 and 9/8 are both improper fractions, while 7/8 is a proper fraction.


Beginner2022-10-09Added 2 answers

It should be stated at the beginning of your paper, whether you consider a a as an improper fraction od not. Point it out and continue with the convention you have just set on your work.

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