There are some bicycles and tricycles beside a garden The garden attendant counted a total of 64 bicycles and tricycles.



Answered question


There are some bicycles and tricycles beside a garden The garden attendant counted a total of 64 bicycles and tricycles.

Answer & Explanation

Brendan Bradley

Brendan Bradley

Beginner2022-09-06Added 11 answers

It we assume number of bicycles be 'x' then nnumber of tricycles = ( 64 x )
Since we know Bicycles will have 2 wheels and tricycle will have 3 wheels.
So possible number of wheels = 2 x + 3 ( 64 x ) 2 x + 192 3 x 192 x
possible number of wheels will depend on n. of Bicycles so minimum bicycle will be 1.
For that total wheels will be = 192 1 = 191
maximum tricycle will be 63
for that n. of wheels = 192-63=129
The range of wheels will be [129 to 191]

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