Molly is wrapping parts of sandwiches to sell at her sandwich cart . She cuts each sandwich in fourths and then wraps each fourth separately. She says that she wrapped 16 fourths, so she wrapped 16 hole sandwiches. What was Molly's mistake?

Kale Sampson

Kale Sampson

Answered question


Critique reasoning
Molly is wrapping parts of sandwiches to sell at her sandwich cart . She cuts each sandwich in fourths and then wraps each fourth separately. She says that she wrapped 16 fourths, so she wrapped 16 hole sandwiches. What was Molly's mistake?

Answer & Explanation

Kaeden Lara

Kaeden Lara

Beginner2022-11-12Added 23 answers

Assuming Molly has done as she said, and has cut each sandwich into fourths, and has in fact wrapped 16 fourths separately:
She has then wrapped 16 4 = 4 whole sandwiches, not 16
Frances Pham

Frances Pham

Beginner2022-11-13Added 5 answers

It depends on your definition of sandwich.
If a sandwich consists of two pieces of bread with something in between them, then cutting a sandwich into four parts creates four smaller sandwiches.
With this definition, Molly is correct.
If cutting a sandwich into parts does not create multiple sandwiches (you may need to come up with a term for what these are), then Molly is wrong.

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