Ava has multiple coupon codes to use for discounts at an online clothing store. She is debating between using a $15-off coupon or a 20%-off coupon but is not sure which will give her the greatest discount. For what range of prices is each coupon best?

Jorge Schmitt

Jorge Schmitt

Answered question


Ava has multiple coupon codes to use for discounts at an online clothing store. She is debating between using a $15-off coupon or a 20%-off coupon but is not sure which will give her the greatest discount. For what range of prices is each coupon best?

Answer & Explanation

Savion Chaney

Savion Chaney

Beginner2022-11-13Added 14 answers

Given discount coupan $15, 20% off.
We have to pind out for what price range 20% is mass than $15
Let the price is =$x
Then, x > $ 15 x > 15 20 % x > 15 20 × 100 x > 75 x > $ 75
Hence for price more than $75 20% off coupon
Per price less than $75 $15 off is best.

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