Is a decimal number, such as 0.345 a fraction? Just by semantics alone, would you consider it a fraction when it is not written in a 'fractional' format?



Answered question


Is a decimal number, such as 0.345 a fraction?
Just by semantics alone, would you consider it a fraction when it is not written in a 'fractional' format?

Answer & Explanation



Beginner2022-11-21Added 16 answers

As others have pointed out in the comments, there may be contradictory definitions, and it depends on what the context is.
That being said, have a look at the description of the tag you used for the question:
(fractions): Questions on fractions, i.e. expressions (not values) of the form a b , including arithmetic with fractions. Not to be confused with the tag (rational-numbers): fractions denote rational numbers, but the same rational number may be written in different ways as a fraction.
So 0.345 is definitely a rational number, but in its current form is not a fraction according to this description.

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