Thomas stands on a street corner tossing a coin. He decides he will toss the coin 10​ times, each time walking 1 block north if it lands heads​ up, and 1 block south if it lands tails up. Find the probability that he ends up 6 blocks south of6 blocks south of his original corner.

Alice Chen

Alice Chen

Answered question


Thomas stands on a street corner tossing a coin. He decides he will toss the coin 10​ times, each time walking 1 block north if it lands heads​ up, and 1 block south if it lands tails up. Find the probability that he ends up 6 blocks south of6 blocks south of his original corner.

Answer & Explanation

Arely Davila

Arely Davila

Beginner2022-11-19Added 17 answers

The basic pattes is N N N N N S S S S S to get you to the 6 South end point.
These 5N moves can occue in 10C5
= 252  ways
Each of these 252 pattens her probability
= ( 1 2 ) 10 = 1 1024 Probability  = 252 1024 = 10 C 5 × ( 1024 ) = 0.246

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